Backup Ubuntu site / Laravel Forge server with Tarsnap

Would you like to backup your Ubuntu server with Tarsnap and also backup your Mysql database? Then follow this steps:

Install Tarsnap

1. Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install build-essential ext2fs-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev 

2. Install Tarsnap

Download Tarsnap with this wget:

wget --no-check-certificate

Now we need to extract, configure, and compile Tarsnap.

tar xfz tarsnap-autoconf-1.0.35.tgz
cd tarsnap-autoconf-1.0.35
sudo make install clean

3. Configure Tarsnap

Copy the example config to the live config:

sudo mv /usr/local/etc/tarsnap.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/tarsnap.conf

Then create a key, save this key to a USB or something, you can’t reset it.

mkdir ~/.tarsnap
tarsnap-keygen --keyfile /home/youruser/.tarsnap/tarsnap.key --user [email protected] --machine your-machine-name
You’ll be prompted for your Tarsnap password when running tarsnap-keygen.

Now, edit the tarsnap.conf file:

sudo pico /usr/local/etc/tarsnap.conf

Point the keyfile directive to the key file we created a couple steps ago. The top of your tarsnap.conf file should look similar to this now:

### Recommended options
# Tarsnap cache directory
cachedir /tmp/tarsnap-cache
# Tarsnap key file
keyfile /home/youruser/.tarsnap/tarsnap.key

4. Use Tarsnap to Make a Backup

To create a backup do this:

tarsnap -c -f servername-20140805 /home/forge

I’m using Laravel forge’s home directory. This directory is now backup up to Tarsnap. In the next step we’ll add a backup folder with the latest mysql-database.

Backup Mysql database

Create a folder in /home/forge : backup. Create a file in the folder:

touch /home/forge/

Insert this information in the file:

TODAY=$(date "+%A");
flock -n ~/.mysqldump mysqldump -u forge -p forge --password=YOURPASSWORD > ~/backup/mysql-latest.sql; 
flock -n ~/.tarsnap.lock tarsnap -c -f "$(uname -n)-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)" ~/ 2>/dev/null; 

Create Cronjob

Let the be called every x days:

crontab -e

Insert this piece of info:

0 2 * * * flock -n ~/.makebackup.lock ~/backup/

To view the backupped files so far:

tarsnap --list-archives | sort

Thanks to and thanks to Hypernode

1 thought on “Backup Ubuntu site / Laravel Forge server with Tarsnap”

  1. Thanks for your interest in Tarsnap! The wget line hard-codes 1.0.35, but Tarsnap 1.0.35 is 5 years old (July 25, 2013). The latest release is 1.0.39.

    In general, I would suggest that people go to to find the latest version, to avoid out-of-date documentation.

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