In my project I am using Beanstalkd for queue processing. Sometimes jobs get stuck, while I’d like to debug these queue jobs. Mark Needham wrote a great blog about how to get an overview of Beanstalkd jobs.
Assuming that Beanstalkd is installed, connect to the console through telnet:
telnet localhost 11300
Getting an overview
Use the command:
You will get output like:
current-jobs-urgent: 0 current-jobs-ready: 2 current-jobs-reserved: 0 current-jobs-delayed: 0 current-jobs-buried: 0 cmd-put: 66 ... current-connections: 6 current-producers: 1 current-workers: 1 current-waiting: 1 total-connections: 58 pid: 15622 version: 1.4.6 rusage-utime: 0.000000 rusage-stime: 0.040002 uptime: 22740 binlog-oldest-index: 0 binlog-current-index: 0 binlog-max-size: 10485760
Listing the first ready job
To see a concrete ready job, use the command:
In terms of Laravel you can get a job result back
If the job got stock, you can clear jobs by pulling in an artisan queue:clear package. Then, you can run the command:
php artisan queue:clear
If your daemon got stock as well, call php artisan queue:restart
Hello wolrd