Ever had that the category tree does not show specific subcategories that are present though?
Than follow these steps:
1. Make a backup for if anything goes wrong (running all the steps is on your own risk of course).
2. Run this query
SELECT c.entity_id, c.children_count as original_children_count, COUNT(c2.children_count) as `children_count`, c.level as original_level, (LENGTH(c.path)-LENGTH(REPLACE(c.path,'/',''))) as `level` FROM catalog_category_entity c LEFT JOIN catalog_category_entity c2 ON c2.path like CONCAT(c.path,'/%') GROUP BY c.path
3. Check if there are still minus children_count categories with:
SELECT c.entity_id, c.children_count as original_children_count, COUNT(c2.children_count) as `children_count`, c.level as original_level, (LENGTH(c.path)-LENGTH(REPLACE(c.path,'/',''))) as `level` FROM catalog_category_entity c LEFT JOIN catalog_category_entity c2 ON c2.path like CONCAT(c.path,'/%') GROUP BY c.path
If anything went right, it should show a + sign before the category in the category tree in the Magento admin again. Good luck
This error is likely caused by a category copy/duplicate plugin.
Thanks to: http://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/34730/not-showing-sub-categories-in-category-tree-in-manage-products-page