Would you like to have attachments in your contact form in Magento?
Do the following:
- Clone the zip of this github: https://github.com/yogisfunda/magento-contact-form-attachment
- Upload (merge) the files into the public_html directory
- Recompile/flush cache
- Go to your-site.com/contacts
- If the form does not changes or there’s a blank page, move the contents of the frontend/default part to frontend/base.
You can insert the form as a widget on a cms page by adding the following code:
{{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" form_action="/contacts/index/post" template="eurowsport/customform/customform.phtml"}}
thanks for the nice module but I have a problem. The same when I create the module myself, the files are send by mail but with noname and strange size, they are stored correctly in the media/customform folder