Looking for ways to override the Search Results Page with a custom template file?
1. Create a plugin directory
For example, create a plugin named: custom-search in wp-content/plugins and call the file custom-search.php.
2. Create a search page
First, go to your themes search page, for example:
Does your theme has no search page? Here you find a sample code for a search page.
Have your search page in place, call it something like search-template.php and put it in the same directory as the plugin.
3. Create plugin that override search functionality
Plugin Name: Custom Search Template
Plugin URI: Plugin URL
description: Replace custom search template
Version: 1.0
Author: YourCompany or name
Author URI: https://www.yoursite.com
add_filter('template_include', function($template) {
global $wp_query;
if ($wp_query->is_search && !empty($_GET['s']))
return dirname(__FILE__) . "/search-template.php";
return $template;
}, 1);
4. Activate the plugin
Activate the plugin and search. Hopefully, your new custom search page shows up.
Happy coding!