Looking for the best Vivaldi Extensions? You have come to the right
Place! Today so many people use Vivaldi as their favorite web
Since Vivaldi is based on Chrome, you can use most Chrome Extensions directly for Vivaldi.
In this article you will find the best Vivaldi extensions for blocking ads, privacy, shopping, goals and sustainability, tab management and students.
Best Vivaldi Extensions for Charity and Sustainability
1. TreeClicks
Who says shopping is bad for the planet? Well, a lot of people actually.
And it is. Just think of all the carbon dioxide, toxins and…
pollution from production, transportation, packaging and waste
production of your stuff. Fortunately, there is an extension you can
use free to reduce your carbon footprint while you shop! It’s called TreeClicks. When you buy receive anything in their 50,000+ stores (including Amazon), TreeClicks
receives an advertising fee and with that trees are planted – which absorb carbon dioxide.
Install TreeClicks for Vivaldi >>

2. Tab for a Cause
What better way to contribute to a good cause than doing almost nothing?!
Tab for a Cause raises money for charity when you open a new tab in
Vivaldi. Free to use, it receives ad revenue from banner ads in the
tabs, which they donate to human rights, environment, education, water
or charities.
Install Tab for a Cause Vivaldi extension >>
3. Colorblind – Dalton for Chrome
Color blindness is more common than most people think. Up to 1 in 10 individuals may have a form of color blindness, sometimes complicated to perceive the user interface of a website.
The Colorblind-Dalton extension comes to the rescue and can provide tests for the most common forms of color blindness. The extension will automatically adjusts the browser’s color settings according to the test results. The extension allows colorblind people to see more colors and this will improve accessibility for the user.
The extension comes with a solution to some of the everyday problems experienced by color blind people. People who suffer from Tritanopia (blue color) visual impairment), Deuteranopia (green) and Protanopia (red) can take advantage of this extension.
People often believe that if someone is suffering from blue-yellow color blindness, the person only has difficulty seeing these colors. However, that is not true; it is the entire color spectrum that is affected.
The extension is free and its main purpose is to help colorblind people to see the world more colorful.
Install Colorblind – Dalton for Vivaldi >>

Best Vivaldi Ad Blocking Extensions
Ads and cookies are not only annoying when they appear on your screen, but they also slow down your online activities and compromise your privacy. To use these top rated ad blockers to prevent this. Note that if an extension blocks ads excessively, some websites may not work properly.
4. AdBlock
Advertising and the Internet are inextricably linked. Many websites bombard us with banners, text ads and other advertisements (targeted or not). With AdBlock you can automatically block (almost) everything so that you can enjoy look at a clear, uncluttered webpage. You can choose and update filters, but the extension is basically ready to use.
Install AdBlock for Vivaldi >>
5. AdBlock Plus
This is one of the best known Vivaldi ad blocking extensions. You install it in seconds and it works right away. What gives AdBlock Plus the Plus, is that there are more blocking options to choose from from then with AdBlock. This way you can configure it to your own liking.
Install AdBlock Plus for Vivaldi >>
6. Ghostery – ad blocker for privacy
Ghostery is a free extension developed to be easy to detect and block web trackers that tag your movements on the web. In addition to the extension allows to learn more about companies using it tracking systems. Ghostery is the perfect privacy extension. It will stop trackers, block ads and speed up websites. When removing ads, you can fully concentrate on the information that is useful for you. By blocking trackers, you have the power to control who watches your movements and the collection of your information. Thanks to the extension your data is anonymized to go one step further in protecting your privacy. Ghostery even ensures that page performance is optimized by: (un)blocking trackers. You will immediately notice that pages load faster. Finally, Ghostery has several dashboards available to its users so that you can access the information that is relevant to you.
Install Ghostery – privacy ad blocker for Vivaldi >>
Best Vivaldi Extensions for Privacy
Vivaldi isn’t exactly the best browser to use if you want to protect your privacy. It remembers your settings and favorite websites on all your computers. The browser also updates itself automatically in the background. One solution is to switch browsers, but another is: install an extension.
7. Privacy Bager
Privacy Badger allows you to block third-party ads. The services are: super smart: every time the server thinks an advertiser is about to violates privacy laws, it blocks the advertiser from using your personal information.
Install the Privacy Badger extension for Vivaldi >>
8. DuckDuckGo
If you want to try a search engine other than Google, you can use DuckDuckGo. This search engine does not track, store or use any information for commercial purposes. The DuckDuckGo extension integrates with Chrome and makes searching easy. Of course it’s not as good as Google, but if privacy is your priority, DuckDuckGo is the right choice!
Install the DuckDuckGo extension for Vivaldi >>
9. Short.link
Link shorteners are useful because they make management easier clunky URLs. The bad news is you never know where a shortened link is can take you. Are you a frequent user of Twitter, Digg or other services? Exposing their users to shortened URLs? If so, you may be concerned that these links may not lead you to where they should be, and that they will damage your device.
Unshorten.link is an extension that protects your privacy by preventing
shortlink services to track your movements on the web. After if you install the extension you will be sent to the link automatically extension page every time you click on a shortened link. You get a clear view of where the links are taking you. The extension also makes remove known tracking cookies from the URLs. The extension has a list of more than 300 services for shortening links, and they update this list
Install the Unshorten.link extension for Vivaldi >>

10. User Agent Switcher
The User-Agent Switcher extension allows you to easily and quickly de user-agent string, to mislead your browser’s identity. It’s a handy extension for old websites that require specific browsers. By the way, you can switch between desktop and mobile views of a website.
A user agent is a text description of your device, which is sent with every web request. Websites can recognize and display the browser you are using other content accordingly. For example, when you surf the Internet with your iPhone you get to see a special mobile website.
The extension is the easiest way to switch between user agents in your browser. It makes it easier to browse the web no matter which browser you prefer. After you download the extension, a toolbar button will be added so you can easily switch between different user-agent strings.
By switching user agents, you can switch browsers, devices, or search engine spiders.
Install User-Agent Switcher for Vivaldi >>

Best Vivaldi extensions for shopping
Do you often shop online? Might be a good idea to download this useful extensions that help you save money and make online shopping even easier. More convenient.
11. Honey
Honey is an extension that finds and tests discount codes everywhere the UK, Canada and the US. Once added to your browser, you can shop online as usual. Then click the Find Savings button at checkout button and Honey will try to find and apply a coupon code.
Install the Honey extension for Vivaldi >>
Best Vivaldi Extensions for Amazon.com
Speaking of shopping, Amazon dominates the online shopping world. Do you
use Amazon regularly and would like to know what deals are out right now (who? isn’t it?!), the following extension will make your life a lot easier.
12. Amazon Lightning Deal Watcher
Amazon Lightening Deals provides a button in the extension’s toolbar, with the number of current and upcoming deals. Click the button to see what deals are out there. You can use an image of the product, the price,
a short description, information about when the deal will start and
end, and the number of remaining products. When you click on a product, you go
to the designated Amazon page. If you want, you can also get a
notification on your phone when the deal is about to start.
Download the Keepa / Amazon Dealwatcher extension for Vivaldi >>
Best Vivaldi Tab Manager Extensions
Speaking of tabs, how many tabs do you have open right now? Did you know
that it can increase your stress level if you leave too many tabs open? Sometimes, it is recommended not to have more than 5 tabs open at the same time. l know, that’s easier said than done. Luckily you can use this extension to help you:
13.S ave my tabs
Can’t choose which tabs to close? Just save them for later. Use Save my Tabs to store all your tabs at once. It saves all your open tabs as bookmarks so you can come back to it later any time you want. Tip: make a separate folder first so they don’t get confused with the tabs you want save next time.
Install Save my Tabs for Vivaldi >>
Best Vivaldi Extensions for Students
Students use the internet – and Vivaldi – en masse for research and educational purposes. So, what are the two best Vivaldi Extensions that students should have?
14. Grammarly
Grammarly is free to use and is a lifesaver for many students. When you type anything in Chrome, even in your email, Grammarly automatically
checks grammar and spelling. Errors are underlined in red, so it’s easy to spot them. Move your mouse over the word and you get some possible fixes.
Install Grammarly Extension for Vivaldi >>
15. Google Dictionary
When you surf the web with Vivaldi, you can come across quite a few unknown words. Don’t have the faintest idea what a word means? To add Google Dictionary to your browser and expand your vocabulary within seconds. Just click on a word and Google Dictionary will show you the definition in a pop-up window. If you use another language (say Dutch), then go to My Language and change the language from English to your Preferred Language. You can also easily start a Google search for the word and see how the word is used in different contexts. The extension is free to use.
Install Google Dictionary for Vivaldi >>
16. Cite This For Me
All researchers and students know how difficult it can sometimes be to correctly attribute online articles. Cite This For Me is an extension that: helps you create a formatted website citation for the APA (6th edition), Chicago (16th Edition), MLA (7th Edition), and Harvard Citation Styles. In front of to many students this may sound like music to their ears. With just one click you can create website quotes and easily save or copy them for use in your documents.
All you need to do is go to the page you want to quote and click the button to create a properly formatted citation. Then you can just copy and paste the quote into your document, or you can save it to your online bibliography for future reference.
The extension even allows you to add other resources such as: newspapers, books and magazines.
Install Cite This For Me for Vivaldi >>

Best Vivaldi Extensions to Boost Productivity
17. CrxMouse Gestures
The CrxMouse Gestures extension adds useful mouse movement macros to improve web navigation. In addition, you can add mouse shortcuts for: open and close new tabs to navigate back and forth in your history tab, and to copy information. The extension will also help to: speed up frequent navigation tasks. In the Settings menu you will find: advanced scrolling options to control your scrolling speed,
directions, smoothness and more.
All gestures are synchronized across different desktop devices, as long as you use the same Google account and the extension installed. CrxMouse is and remains a free extension that allows you to create custom mouse shortcuts for an enhanced browser experience. In addition, it contains no ads. Become more productive and effective with CrxMouse!
Install CrxMouse Gestures for Vivaldi >>
18. Any.do
Work smarter not harder!
Do you need an extension to help you organize to-do lists? any.do allows you to sync your tasks and checklists to and from all your devices. The extension allows you to add new lists, reminders, notes, share tasks and more. This will help you get things done better extension and you will never lose sight of your agenda again. Any.do can also help teams achieve their goals and increase productivity. you will have access your tasks, reminders and calendar on any mobile device, desktop and web to keep track of your calendar wherever you are.
Be sure to set reminders to avoid losing importantforget events. You can create one-time, recurring, and location-based reminders. even groceries with this extension shopping lists can be created and you can share them with family and friends. By the way, you can import recipes online and it also works with Siri and Alexa.
The extension comes with great themes and powerful features. If you’re a busy bee and love to save time while achieving great things, this extension is for you!

Best Vivaldi extensions for fun
19. Wikiwand
Thanks to Wikiwand, Wikipedia content can be optimized for better reading experience. You get clean, organized text columns with a integrated side menu including the table of contents, a better media gallery of larger photos and other great features that make reading easier easier and faster. The extension replaces any Wikipedia link with a link to the same Wikiwand article. You can even change the color, font and layout.
Wikipedia is the greatest curator of knowledge; we are all Wikipedia fans! It helps people around the world to access millions of articles in 288 for free languages. The only problem with Wikipedia is that it was built for a long time ago, and not much has changed over time. Wikiwand was made for optimize Wikipedia’s great content for a better reading experience. It’s all about providing users with a modern and enjoyable interface for the human knowledge.
If you want to upgrade your Wikipedia experience, Wikiwand is the perfect solution.
Install Wikiwand for Vivaldi >>

20. Stylish
Tired of boring websites? Stylish helps you customize various websites by applying custom themes, changing the color scheme, or adjusting fonts. There are themes available for everything including Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook and even WhatsApp. The extension allows you to apply themes from the database to your favorite websites or create your own theme for others to apply to users. You can customize any website to your personal taste.
Stylish is a great platform for developers to test their creativity skills, share their knowledge and experience and receive recognition for their unique work. You can find tutorials to help you install the extension and how to create and upload themes to the library.
Stylish also allows you to easily store all your themes. Make your own beautiful theme and share it with millions of others users!
Install Stylish for Vivaldi >>

21. TinEye Reverse Image Search
Have you ever come across an image online that you wanted to use but did? For example, it has a low resolution? With TinEye you will find others versions of an image. With just one click you will find where else on the Internet the image has been used. TinEye is the first image search engine image identification technology, and no keywords or watermarks.
Once you send an image to the extension, a unique digital signature for it and then compares it with other images to find matches. The great thing is that TinEye finds exact matches even if an image is resized, edited or cropped! The extension adds tens of millions of new images weekly in its database.
You can use the extension by uploading an image or searching by URL or by drag and drop your images to start your search.
Install TinEye Reverse Image Search for Vivaldi >>

22. Screencastify
The Screencastify extension makes it easy to make recordings. The extension also has annotation tools to highlight your mouse cursor, highlight mouse clicks or draw with a pen. In this way you can audience focused on what is important. When you are done recording, it will automatically save to your Google Drive account. You have a shareable link, or you can choose to upload your video directly to YouTube. You can export your recording as an MP4, animated GIF or MP3.
If you want to use the free version of Screencastify, you have videos a maximum duration of 10 minutes. By the way, you can’t go over 50 videos per month, and all videos are watermarked. In front of only a small amount a year you can use the extension unlimited, and you also has access to extensive export options.
Whether you are an experienced or brand new video maker, Screencastify can be used by anyone. You can choose to capture only your webcam, your full screen, or just your tab. You can use your webcam anywhere in your record and you can use your microphone to tell. No Internet? no problem, because there is also the option to record offline.
Install Screencastify for Vivaldi >>

So to summarize, in our opinion, the best Vivaldi Extensions are:
- TreeClicks
- Tab for a Cause
- Colorblind – Dalton
- AdBlock
- AdBlock Plus
- Ghostery – privacy ad blocker
- Privacy Badger
- DuckDuckGo
- shorten.link
- User Agent Switcher
- sweetheart
- Amazon Lightning Deal Viewer
- Save my tabs
- grammatical
- Google Dictionary
- Quote this for me
- CrxMouse Gestures
- any.do
- Wikiwand
- Stylish
- TinEye Reverse Image Search
- Screencastify