Solving the HasManyTriple problem
Sometimes you find yourself in the situation where you have a table like shop_country_category, which has the following structure:
countries - id - name shop - id - name products - id - name shop_country_product - id - country_id - shop_id - product_id
In this case a shop has specific products that differ per country. So, for example in the Shop.php Eloquent model use:
/** * The country-specific products that belong to a shop (triple pivot relation) */ public function countryProducts() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Product','shop_country_product') ->withPivot('country_id'); }
In this way you can access that shop_country_category
Or use a plugin
I’ve not tested it, but I heard this package might work with Laravel 5.
Do you have a better solution?
Do not hesitate to share them in the comments.